Category Archives: Recipes

Zentastic Diet #1: Tofu Mango Deliciousness Salad. 禅食主義#1:マンゴーと豆腐のうま味サラダ。禅食主义#1:芒果豆腐美味沙拉. Dieta Zentastico#1: Mango Tofu Ensalada de Delicias

  Mango Deliciousness Salad (3 servings) INGREDIENTS   A ripe mango A half block of tofu (non-GMO tofu) A ripe tomato 1/5 Purple Cabbage Cilantro A Cucumber 1/4 Green Onion Chop them finely, Dress them with  2 tbsp Olive Oil 1 tsp Sesame Oil

Zentastic Diet #1: Tofu Mango Deliciousness Salad. 禅食主義#1:マンゴーと豆腐のうま味サラダ。禅食主义#1:芒果豆腐美味沙拉. Dieta Zentastico#1: Mango Tofu Ensalada de Delicias

  Mango Deliciousness Salad (3 servings) INGREDIENTS   A ripe mango A half block of tofu (non-GMO tofu) A ripe tomato 1/5 Purple Cabbage Cilantro A Cucumber 1/4 Green Onion Chop them finely, Dress them with  2 tbsp Olive Oil 1 tsp Sesame Oil