Author Archives: zenskeomi


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Zentastic Diet #1: Tofu Mango Deliciousness Salad. 禅食主義#1:マンゴーと豆腐のうま味サラダ。禅食主义#1:芒果豆腐美味沙拉. Dieta Zentastico#1: Mango Tofu Ensalada de Delicias

  Mango Deliciousness Salad (3 servings) INGREDIENTS   A ripe mango A half block of tofu (non-GMO tofu) A ripe tomato 1/5 Purple Cabbage Cilantro A Cucumber 1/4 Green Onion Chop them finely, Dress them with  2 tbsp Olive Oil 1 tsp Sesame Oil

Zentastic Diet #1: Tofu Mango Deliciousness Salad. 禅食主義#1:マンゴーと豆腐のうま味サラダ。禅食主义#1:芒果豆腐美味沙拉. Dieta Zentastico#1: Mango Tofu Ensalada de Delicias

  Mango Deliciousness Salad (3 servings) INGREDIENTS   A ripe mango A half block of tofu (non-GMO tofu) A ripe tomato 1/5 Purple Cabbage Cilantro A Cucumber 1/4 Green Onion Chop them finely, Dress them with  2 tbsp Olive Oil 1 tsp Sesame Oil

sacred expansion

Imagine you are on a giant expansive ball. Then breath deeply into your pelvic floor expanding your inner body. Breath out. Then repeat it again till your body parts are completely relaxed and expanded.

sacred expansion

Imagine you are on a giant expansive ball. Then breath deeply into your pelvic floor expanding your inner body. Breath out. Then repeat it again till your body parts are completely relaxed and expanded.

On spiritual practice

  From the Little Book of Buddhism- His Holiness the Dalai Lama, published by A Penguin Original

On spiritual practice

  From the Little Book of Buddhism- His Holiness the Dalai Lama, published by A Penguin Original

Design Matters

This is just a bilingual ad experiement numero uno. Japanese language on it makes it look hip, or does it? I’ve seen many t-shirts sold at EXPRESS with non-sensical Japanese on it. So here I am imitating their concept but

Design Matters

This is just a bilingual ad experiement numero uno. Japanese language on it makes it look hip, or does it? I’ve seen many t-shirts sold at EXPRESS with non-sensical Japanese on it. So here I am imitating their concept but

Being George Clooney

I worked as a production liaison for the pre-production of this film. I was a point of contact for the George Clooney voice of Japan, Rikiya Koyama. Rikiya Koyama is a very popular voice actor in Japan. He is known

Being George Clooney

I worked as a production liaison for the pre-production of this film. I was a point of contact for the George Clooney voice of Japan, Rikiya Koyama. Rikiya Koyama is a very popular voice actor in Japan. He is known